the superglue of my existence™ v2.1
artificial insultigence
sliced white bread
dirty van messages
b3ta bits

The Sliced White Bread page

This page is dedicated to the people I call 'Hippie-kids', those born in the late sixties and early seventies to less than conventional parents.

I, of course, am one of those people.

As an adult, I now appreciate most of the idiosyncrasies of my upbringing, but when you're a kid you just want to be like everyone else.

This page is a list of the little things which made us Hippie Kids different from 'normal' kids. I would love for this list to grow, so get in touch if you can think of any more I should add.

Thanks to Jamie, Liam, Nicky, Jim, Kesewa, Tabitha, Jessie, Linda, Lucy, Delia, Danielle, Rose, Beth, Lowri and Simon who have contributed so far.

What normal folks had What us Hippie Kids had
Sliced white bread Unsliced brown bread (home made)
Sliced white bread Zucchini Bread
Chocolate Carob bars
Bovril Miso soup
Fitted Nylon Carpets Sanded floorboards and coconut-hair matting
A Ford Escort A VW Camper
Butter Sour butter (home made)
Sandwiches wrapped in cling-film Sandwiches wrapped in newspaper
Coffee Barleycup
White sugar on our corn flakes Raisins on our cornflakes
Cornflakes Porridge
Sponge Cakes Date slice
A mum who wore make-up A mum who didn't know how to wear make-up
A mum who wore pink fluffy slippers A mum who wore slippers socks
A mum who wore a bra Double droop
A dad An artist
Those plastic Thermos flasks with cartoon characters on them A washed-out-and-recycled Sunquick bottle
Delia Smith's Cookery Book Zen and the art of Macrobiotic Cooking
White Rice Brown Rice
Television Radio 4
Fabric conditioner Crispy Clothes
Drawing pads Rejected notes from the Soil Association
A microwave cooker A Rayburn
Mum & dad Karen & Cliff
Kia-ora or Ribena Watered down fresh orange juice
A milkman Goats
Butlins Camping
Spaghetti Hoops Heavy Brown Wholemeal Spaghetti
Pizza Quiche
Baked Beans Lentil Burgers
Plastic Apron to wear when fingerpainting/grooming rabbit Dads Shirt back to Front.
Playdoh Homemade Dough coloured weakly with pale unappealing organic food colouring
Barbie Dolls Galt Educational Toys
Ski Yogurts from the Fridge Lukewarm Natural Yougurt Cultivated in the Airing Cupboard
Penguin Biscuits Quakers Oat Crunchy Bars
Tammy Girl pencil skirts Clothkits Smocks (Clothes made in kit form by mum from horrid mail order hippie clothing company)
The Scouts The Woodcraft Folk
Crisps on the way home after school An apple
Lemsip A pot of boiling oranges & lemons with cinnamon & cloves throughout the winter months
Scarves Shawls and ponchos
Orange Juice Carrot Juice
A Kit-Kat for a playtime snack Quarter of a cucumber
A drinks cabinet to raid A stash of Afghani hash to raid
Sainsburys, Spa or Gateway The wholefood collective run by our parents
Council flats Communes
Wedge-soled shoes from Freeman Hardy Willis Kickers
White knee socks with hole-patterns in Purple woolly tights from Pollyanna catalogue
Club Sport track suits Non-label clothes from BHS
Nike, Adidas or Diadora trainers Dunlop or C&A 'bastard' trainers
Birthday party at McDonalds Birthday party at the adventure playground
Contemporary cars Ancient Minis, Morris Minors and mash-up 2CVs with blankets in the back
Peanut butter Tahini
Crisps Nuts and raisins
Sweets Dates
'Ask your mother' Open discussions with male parent figures about periods and other embarrassing things
Frozen burgers and oven chips Homemade dahl and wholemeal chappatis
Playing out after school Modern dance 4 kidz at the oval house
Empire Stores catalogue
Ready made clothes from shops Pinafores made from William Morris cushion covers
Mr. Kiplings Home-made wholewheat biscuits
Sports bags Carrier bags
Parents who named them Sharon Parents who named us Tabitha
Salted peanuts Alfalfa sprouts
Big shiny foil-wrapped easter eggs Home made cardboard eggs with fluffy chicks / Smarties egg cups
breadcrumb coated food in the shape of farmyard animals Butter beans
Ra-ra skirts Dungadresses
School jumpers made with synthetic fibres Hand spun, dyed and knitted woolen jumpers
School uniforms Individuality
Central heating Colds
Hair cuts Shame
Brown rice (yes this is in the correct column) Wild rice (told you)
Branded lunch boxes Keema naan
Nike Dunlop Green Flash
Jelly with tinned fruit and tinned cream Tapioca
Glace cherries Sesame Snaps
Record players, TV, trips to the cinema Dad playing Woodie Guthrie songs on the guitar and, if you're good, some Donovan
Popcorn, sweets and cola at the movies Carrot sticks, nuts and raisins
Hired cowboy/indian/fairy/princess fancy dress outfits Ghost outfit (sheet), cat outfit (black trousers and top with stuffed leg of tights for a tail), hippy outfit (mum and dad's clothes)
Beefburgers Billyburgers, made from our goat
Christmas A non-religious winter celebration
Fine china crockery Wooden plates
Normal rucksack from a shop

Rucksasck sewn by mother using half a dozen different floral prints

Chocolate birthday cake Birthday carrot cake (made with honey and wholemeal flour)
Mothers who brought shop-bought fairy cakes when it was their turn to provide snacks at pre-school Mother who brought homemade wholemeal pretzels in the shape of everyones initials
Sausages Sosmix
Lockets Ricola Cough Sweets
Club Bars at breaktime Panda liquorice bar
Choc ices Soya ice cream (or sometimes frozen goats milk with cocoa powder sprinkled on top)
Chewing gum Beeswax
Sweets Liquorice wood sticks
Pain killers Lavendar or Tiger balm
Flushing toilet Sawdust Elsan
Hairdye Henna
Sooty & Sweep puppets Puppets with handmade heads so heavy they perpetually drooped forwards
China bowls Homemade wooden bowls
Wooly pullovers Alpaca ponchos
Beechams powder for colds Garlic pearls
Sandals Birkenstocks
Mince meat TVP (Quorn came later)
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